Thursday, March 09, 2006


The system social d´estratificación determines the life of the people. Sociology ocupped fundamentally of groups or aggregates of people, not of the biographies of the individuals. Many singular influences can be conforming the human behavior. Like any science, this what s´intenta is to obtain the most general explanations with the smaller number of variables. Unlike that he creates most of people, the poor men represent a very heterogenous part of our population.
The poor men have many problems in common caused by the place that share in the lowest point of the system of stratification of the opulente society. Before its retirement, describia to David Rockefeller like the most powerful citizen of the United States, "the only man whom he would have low in his stairs by to turn in presidents of the U.S.A. the present wealth of the Rockefeller family s´eleva to 4,000 million dollars. We must be asked on the nature of the society before the one of the individuals. ¿ Which are the political, economic and social forces that allow that it takes place the inequality and the social stratification? ¿ The degree of inequality in this country benefits before nothing to wealthiest? ¿ It is important l´origen? certainly it is certain.
To the U.S.A., with more than 35 million poor men whom there are in the first years of century XXI, because the poor men rarely rebel themselves? The study of the social stratification is an attempt to respond to the question of that obtains what, and porqué. The social differentiation that occurs, simply, when we found individuals with different individual qualities and different social papers. The people are different themselves by their biological characteristics, like sex, size, enough, agility, and in each society they are distinguished (d´alguna way) by the social behaviors, tasks or occupations. An increase in the division of the work implies greater differentiation. The differences in as far as the personal qualities or the behaviors of work can be ordered of hierarchic way, or be evaluated of different form. Heller said: "the positions can be different from the others, and without a doubt, not be ordered in relation to the others. The social differentiation, without place to doubt, establishes l´escenario for the inequality and the social stratification. The social inequality is the condition by which the people have an unequal access to the resources, services and positions that the society values. The social inequality relations with the different positions from l´estructura partner. The social inequality has been present in all the human societies.
The inequality can arise from the social differentiation because some social papers or positions place to certain people in conditions for d´adquirir a greater portion of the valued goods and services. In this case, we talked about to the inequality in when to l´acceso to preferred positions in the society. When some people control the one that others wish and need, they are able to d´exigir additional goods and services in exchange for distributing the one that satisfies its necessities. When adding the social term, we are saying that the human beings in their social positions are stratified from top to bottom. Social stratification means that the inequality has taken body or is had institutionalized, and that exists a system of social relations that determines who it receives what and porqué. Institutionalized, we talked about to that a system of hierarchy in layers has settled down. This inequality can the same or not be accepted by most of the society, but it is recognized as the form in which the things work. The rules can explain that some individuals receive more prizes to be the human representatives of some God or because thinks that they can contribute better to the well-being of all the community. In when to the location in a class or it castrates is fundamentally hederitaria, we talked about to her like an allegiance. When the location in a class or estracto must to qualities fundamentally that the individuals can control, we talked about to her like a merit. The d´individuos class as a group with similar positions and similar political and economic interests within the system d´estratificación.
The class divisions are based on three main criteria: the position of the person in occupational l´estructura, the position of the person in the structures d´autoridad (from how many people receive orders before how many people can issue orders) and the possession of properties of the person (or, more concretely, the possession of properties that produce benefits, like the actions), that we can denominate the structure of the property. The U.S.A. has a burocratizada industrial society as well as a capitalist indutrial society. High class we will say to talk about to the families who have great properties and a great derived authority d´estas properties.
Corporative class will be used to denominate to the people with a great authority and power in the great corporations. Middle-class we talked about to those with relatively few intermediate and high properties, but positions in which one talks about to the occupation (nonmanual work) and authority. Working-class will be used to talk about the people with little or no property, average or low positions in the occupation (manual work) and little or no authority.
To returns, the term low class will talk about to individuals without property, often in unemployment and without authority (that is to say, the poor men). The term estatus, is also used to designate to something as well as the position of class in a hierarchy. The criterion of estatus consists of occupational prestige, or the affection that popularly are granted to him and the respect associated to a stop or under occupational merit. The social mobilidad boat to define itself like the individual movement or of group in the system of classes. Since the class systems are based (at least in certain degree) on the merit, studies destined to mesurar l´alcance of the vertical mobilidad, are denominated to the investigation on the merit of estatus.
The economic change is related to the relative economic decay a U.S.A. in that it is known like modern world-wide system. The 1993, the temporary works represented 26% of the new works, compared just by 3% of those of 1989.
The tendency to a still greater inequality of the rent and riquesan in the U.S.A., as it marks the inequality of the rent during last years 90. The lesson would have to be that in the future the capitalist conomies they will have to compete among them in the modern world-wide system doing that the wages and the benefits of the workers stay unfortunately low. With the purpose of guerrra fry and the to fall one of the wall of Berlin, the mentality of "them against us", who during long time went towards the Soviet Union, has disappeared. New indice of parity of the spending power ( PPA), the international agencies calculate now that there is more than 1,300 million people in the world who live with less on the one than it is possible to be bought with dòlar to the day to the U.S.A. A relation between this increasing poverty in the world and aspects like the war and the terrorism. Most of people in the world it thinks that the U.S.A. it is, somehow, person in charge of the growth of the world-wide poverty, according to the international surveys of opinion.
There is the anecdote of which visitor Germany, North Americans who came to visit in Germany relatives, were asked it: and where live the poor men? The most important types of inequality are the inequalities of renda and the wealth.
Renda and the wealth is generalized merchandise that, employee of the amount and as are used, they provide to be able and influences. By rent we talked about the money, the wages and the payments that are received periodically in exchange for an occupation or like a yield of an investment. The wealth is accumulated in the form of different types from assets valued like property, actions, good or capital goods deposited in reserve. The wealth is everything what it has value economic and susceptible to buy itself, to be sold, to store itself to arrange in the future or to be reversed in exchange for yield the U.S.A. económico.En, the inequality is per ethnic origin.
Ocupación:Salarios weekly average, MEN/WOMEN
Directors and administrators: 1.014/686
Professionals: 977/725
Technicians, administrative sales and: 655/452
Sales: 685/407
administrative Personnel: 563/499
Workers of precision and craftsmen: 628/445
Workers and workers: 487/351
Workers: 394/320
Source: Office of the census of the estadisticos U.S.A. Resumenes, 2001.
The difference between the average pay of a worker and the one of the high corporative directors has experienced an incredible ascent from 40 pays to 1 the 1990, to 491 pays to 1 the 1998. Between the political measures that made increase the inequalities of the rent are the tributary policies (lowered of taxes by rich and the ascent for the poor men) and the welfare cuts of transferences, like for example, programs for the poor men. While 10% of which they had lower income of the population the U.S.A. received the 1.8% of the rent, and 10% with higher income had near 30% of the rent the data of Sweden were of 3.7% and the 20%, respectively, at the end of the years 90.(Banco World-wide, 2000).
The workers of the U.S.A. are below the average wage in comparison with the workers d´otras industrial nations, the high directors of the U.S.A. are much over the high directors of the world. Whereas the workers German are the best ones paid of all the industrialized nations, the high directors of the German corporations, although well are paid, receive 47% of the income of the directors of the corporations of the U.S.A. The structure of authority associated to the occupational differentiation is one of the most important aspects of the system of stratification of the U.S.A.. If the wealth is used to mainly acquire a significant amount of half-full of production of the society (the actions of great corporations (it can provide authority to the person who has it (employee of the amount that its possession).
Within the system of world-wide stratification there are states of high class, that try to maintain their advantages, while other states of "low class" fight to change to the system d´estratificación and the place that occupy in him. Without place to doubt, this situation gives to advantage to the U.S.A. and his elit in the international conflicts of class of the world.
The fall of the Comunism. Last the 50 years no fact has changed so deeply the world as the fall of the Comunism to planetary stairs. The most important event of all happened l´año 1991: suddenly, the Soviet Union lets exist. The capitalist competition. Without doubt, now which the Comunism has disappeared in the fundamental one, we have discovered Capitalism. From German World War II it has a labor right developed that includes a Statute of the Work, the laws of the cogestion and to powerful advice of workers in all the companies and very strong syndicates. All this provides influence to the workers German in the direction and operation of the companies, as well as in the direction of l´economía in general. Most of the capitalists d´EEUU would say to us that this situation cannot create podera a competitive economy . But, after World War II, Germany reconstructed with these labor laws and their powerful unions until getting to become the third great economic power after Japan and the U.S.A. The U.S.A. is very peculiar a capitalist country, since it is based on obtaining to the economic domination at the beginning of century XX - ample space, cheap resources, a motivated force of work but not illustrated, and a minimum governmental d´implicación in the economy. But the U.S.A. porqué in them is also different is much more private property corporative d´acciones that to the Japan and, mainly, that Europe, where the governments have great percentage of the corporations. To the U.S.A. they present/display a very high degree of inequality of lava, in fact greatest you enter the industrial states, while the degree of d´Alemana inequality figure between lowest. The knowhow, its the most efficient application and forms sociopoli'tica-economic d´organización has acquired the importance that before had the divisions, the tanks and the tanks at the beginning of century XX.
The world-wide poverty. At the moment, richer 20% of the world posesion 85% of the wealth, whereas 20% more poor man have 2%. In as far as the rent, richer 20% receive 150 times more than the rent of 20% more poor man. And when 60 years ago the difference was from 60 to 1, nowhere of l´actual 150 to 1.
UNICEF informs that the malnutrición is a factor that approximately produces 55% of the 12 million annual avoidable deaths between smaller children of 5 years. To find a disease that kills this amount of boy, the investigators must themselves overcome to the bubonica plague of the average age, the denominated black death.
These facts do not serian understood without making reference to the system of global stratification that we denominated modern world-wide system. Certainly, the two last decades the existence of which has been recognized commonly s´ha denominated like "globalization". There are several structural positions: cental, peripheral semiperifèrica and, inside the modern world-wide system. They exist several mechanism to hold the position privileged of which they are in the high part of the system d´estratificación. The states centrals are similar to the high class. The central nations are economically very diversified, són rich and powerful (economically and militarily). The semiperipheral states són those that are located in an intermediate position between the center and the periphery, like the middle-class. These are the nations directed towards industrialization and a diversified economy. The peripheral states resemble the lower working-class or. They are those that economically less are diversified. Usually they depend d´un type on economic activity, like the one to estraer and to export raw materials to the central states. They have relatively weak public institutions and strongly are influenced by the foreign states (as much economically as militarily). EXAMPLES:
Power stations: The U.S.A., Japan, Germany, Holland, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Canada, Austria.) *
Semipower station: Mexico, Argentina, The South-africa /, Ireland, Chile, Thailand, Taiwan, India, Pakistan.)
Periphery: Xad, Uganda, Morocco, Panama, Bolivia, The Philippines, El Salvador, Haiti, Dominican Republic.)
The position of class in the world-wide system is defined with respect a: - the concept of class of Marx (property enfront to nonproperty of the half-full ones of production) - the concept of class of Weber that, in addition to the property, accentúa the relations d´intercambio economic and the level of occupational qualification in the production process. The 5 more important benefits that they obtain the central societies of his domination on the periphery: - Access to a great amount of raw materials - cheap Force of work - Enormous gains originating direct d´inversiones of capital - a market for l´exportación - qualified professional Work due to the emigration of people from the noncentral states to the power stations


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    By Blogger Sizzling LEO, at 3:20 AM  

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